
Pity Following a Murder Attempt

Query Your Own Problem!

Problem from the Reader

I frequently spend the entire evening sitting and thinking obsessively about a subject. I’m not so positive about the time, but I try to identify and comprehend my emotions in relation to my attempted suicide three or two years ago. I occasionally feel helpless and ashamed of myself when I reflect on my attempted murder. The idea that those who are aware of my attempt believe I am helpless, terrible, and self-conscious because I tried to end my life is consuming me. In other words, I’m genuinely curious as to why I have this sinking feeling. I’m proud to say that I have a good understanding of psychology and that my feelings are out of the ordinary. I have made several attempts to learn more about it, but to no avail. I’m hoping you may at least identify the experience for me.

The Psychologist’s Response

I believe that what you are experiencing is sorrow, which many people in your position have experienced before. It is that sense of regret, grief, and grief that we all experience occasionally in existence. Pity, regrettably, can be a very damaging feeling that may worsen rather than improve our circumstances and struggles. Shame is a feeling of guilt and inadequacy that originates from within. However, that is only a portion of the challenges that someone who is recovering from an attempted murder may overcome. Another aspect that is equally terrible is shame. The world around us is where the shame comes from. Society conveys the idea that what we have done is wrong or taboo and that we are flawed in some way, poor, and uncaring.

People who have considered murder, tried to kill themselves, or actually committed suicide have a significant stigma surrounding them. Media, peer, and also family messages about death tend to paint those who are struggling with it as weak, insane, flawed, or self-centered. This mark frequently has a negative impact and does not take into account information about depression or mental chemicals. The shame simply serves to increase the shame felt by those who battle depression and suicide. Even more depressive thoughts may result from this. It’s a cycle that can go on forever for some of my customers.

Although attitudes toward suicide are gradually improving — we’ve seen many people speak out against the stigma of suicide, for instance, when Robin Williams passed away— the stigma is still so pervasive in our culture that most people, especially the elderly, are reluctant to discuss it. Death is a topic that many people are reluctant to discuss, which just makes understanding and providing assistance more challenging. We are less likely to ask for help and support from those who can offer it if we are hesitant to speak up for fear of how others may respond. A successful suicide prevention program works to lessen the shame connected to experiencing this way.

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Some facets of our community make people feel guilty about having suicidal or depressive thoughts. People are frequently referred to as” committing” suicide as they would a crime or sin. This kind of speech has been employed in an effort to dissuade individuals from committing suicide. Although our society does have good intentions, I believe that this only encourages people who are depressed to cover rather than seek the necessary assistance. It just gets worse as a result.

The most frequent statements made by my clients who have attempted suicide or were contemplating it include phrases like” I’m weak ,”” A burden to everyone ,” and” Oh, I must be crazy.” These concepts were previously discussed in my post,” 4 Tales About Suicide.” One of the worst effects of this mark is that it makes us feel as though we need to keep our emotions hidden and fight on our own, by ourselves. Being by ourselves with our melancholy just makes it worse. My clients frequently claim that they didn’t discuss it because their loved ones, friends, and doctors will not comprehend. You are not alone, but I can’t guarantee that all you want to understand may( possibly because they have accepted the stigma and negative information ). Finding others who understand is useful in recovering from a death effort because there are many people out there who have experienced this, just like you. It can be a life-changing experience whether you find them in your family, associates, social networking, or depression support group. You can find a ton of online resources, such as Waking Up Live, What Happens Nowadays?, and beyondblue, to help you start to comprehend what it means to restore from this. Many of us who know someone who is depressed are frequently hesitant to inquire about their suicidal thoughts. But, simply asking can help lessen the shame associated with it by letting people know it’s okay to talk about it.

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One or more clinical psychology or other qualified mental health professionals have equal reviewed all of the medical content on this website. Initially released by Dr. Peter Thomas, PhD on, and most recently reviewed or updated by Managing Editor onDr. Greg Mulhauser.

To consult a doctor, all copyrights for this content are reserved.

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